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Fashion Marketing Students’ Photoshoot Collaboration with BC’s Top Emerging Designers

Fashion Marketing Students’ Photoshoot Collaboration with BC’s Top Emerging Designers

Fashion Marketing students sitting on a wooden ladder at a fashion photoshoot

Blanche Macdonald was honoured to host an onsite fashion photoshoot at our Atelier Campus, with leading lifestyle publication, Boulevard Magazine

Led by our Fashion Styling instructor Sarah D’Arcey, she worked with Blanche Macdonald Fashion Directors, Tyler Udall and Sara Armstrong, to showcase the new designs of 3 exciting Vancouver designers: Rolla SummersDaisy Cook and Amy Nunweiler

All 3 graduates recently debuted their collections at Vancouver Fashion Week.

left: cameraman showing images to fashion marketing students 
right: a fashion marketing student helping model to put on heel

Sarah was able to integrate the photoshoot into a class styling event with her Fashion Styling students, a truly hands-on project.

gif of models wearing BC top emering designers garments, at a in house fashion photoshoot

Working with Boulevard Magazine's Associate Editor, Lia Crowe, we imagined telling a fashion story based on Renaissance paintings, set in the modern day. I believe that telling a great fashion story always merges inspiration from the past with the present. I also saw this as an opportunity to share all the knowledge we have gained and give the students a real, on the job learning opportunity.
profile picture of Fashion Marketing Instructor and Star Stylist, Sarah D'Arcey

Blanche Macdonald Centre Instructor and star stylist, Sarah D’Arcey

I run my class like it is a job. I teach my students about the importance of being on time, what it is like to work on set with a team and set etiquette. I wanted to give them a real-life experience so they could see what it is like to work as a stylist on a magazine job. I also strongly believe in supporting Canadian fashion so highlighting Blanche Macdonald’s designers was an important part of this shoot. 

Boulevard Magazine Photoshoot Credits:

Photographer: @liacrowe
Makeup/hair: @artistrybyksenia
Model: @pooleparty89
Agency: @modemodelsintl
Designers: @rolla_summers @daisycook___ @lilnuns
Stylist: @sarahdarceystyle

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