When you think of Hairstylist Amy Bennett, many words spring to mind: approachable, stylish, badass mom, creative. But if there are just a few to define her career so far, passion and purpose would have to top the list.

Another that works? Accomplished. Since graduating from Blanche Macdonald’s Hair Program, she has been featured in Harper’s Bazaar (alongside Fashion Designer Delayne Dixon), built up a long list of dedicated clientele, and earned a well-deserved reputation as a blonding and colour correction expert.

Every stylist said ‘go to Blanche.’ Every. Single. Person.
But Amy’s interest in hair began long before she kicked off her illustrious career. “In elementary school, I’d do my friends’ hair, my hair, and experiment with different styles. Then once I was in high school, it became a habit. Every lunch break, I would braid and style my friends’ hair—even in class.”
With this natural inclination toward hairstyling, it wasn’t long before Amy decided that she would pursue formal education. But where to begin? “I asked around… Every stylist said ‘go to Blanche.’ Every. Single. Person. So it was super highly recommended.”

Once enrolled, Amy was thrilled to find out that the program lived up to the hype. “I felt you got real experience at school. You got a real taste of what the industry’s like.” The courses and instructors made a significant impact too. Now, as a colour expert, it’s easy to see why Amy says, “colour was huge.” But on top of this, some other courses and instructors stood out too. “Hair Extensions with Crystal was incredible. Crystal stuck out to me; she was so amazing.” Another plus? “I met my best friend and my business partner at Blanche, so that was a major favourite part!”
I met my best friend and my business partner at Blanche.
Since graduating, Amy credits success, in part, to her ability to carve out a niche in the hair world. “I like challenges, and when I got my first salon job, my boss booked me right out the gate with colour. She’s like, ‘I’m trying something new, I want to get you booked’, so literally every single one of my clients was a colour correction. It was like young girls, doing whatever with their hair, wanting cheap fixes. So that’s what I did!”
This direction provided Amy with the challenge she craved in her work. “If I do anything else, I don’t want to say it’s boring…but…I need to bleach…it’s almost like a puzzle, and I just like figuring it out. Also, the reaction, saving someone’s hair is huge so getting that emotional reaction is super amazing.”

Another ingredient in her recipe for success? Loyal clients. A challenge for any newcomer, Amy recommends social media. “I’d be like, ‘story me, tag me in a selfie.’ Also…word of mouth, like just shamelessly, say “I need you to tell all your friends.” When it comes to keeping clients happy, she suggests “really focusing on learning your clients and knowing what they like” but also being aware of when to switch things up. “You tweak formula. I do a lot of balayage, and it can be as easy as adding a couple skips in there, making the money piece bigger, not adding the money piece… everyone wants to feel fresh; they don’t want to feel like they look the same when they leave.”
I need to bleach...it’s almost like a puzzle, and I just like figuring it out.
Recently, Amy, along with best friend and fellow Pro Hair Grad Jasmine Ballesteros, has added a new accomplishment to the growing list—opening Kamloops’ Waitlist Studio. “It was a little crazy actually. She messaged me, and she was living in the states at the time, and she was like ‘do you want to open a salon?’ I was pregnant with my second son at the time. So she ended up moving back in May, we got possession in June, I was due with my son in July, and we opened November.”
With Waitlist, and so many other successes, no one could blame Amy if she wanted to step back and relax, but this colour correction expert shows no signs of slowing down. For now, she considers herself lucky to have found her professional purpose. “It’s forever changing. It’s one of those jobs where you don’t get the same things every day. For myself, it’s been a lot of positives.”